Saturday, June 27, 2009
3rd training 26th June 2009
Too bad the internet connection was pretty bad this time. Connection dropped every now and then making it difficult for us to carry on with the training smoothly. Suzana was not able to sign up at all. Somehow moodle refuse to accept her email address. Azlina was able to sign up while Yati has already signed up before.
I hope they are able to involve actively in the online forum.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Qualitative research interviewing
20th June 2009
Why interview?
- to understand the meaning people involved in education make of their experience
- provides access to the context of people's behaviour - provides a way to understand the meaning of that behaviour.
- basic assumption: the meaning people make of their experience affects the way they carry out that experience - causal explanation.
- allow us to enter into other people's perspective since we cannot observe feelings, thoughts & intentions. Besides, we cannot observe behaviors that took place at some previous point in time.
1. sufficiency - sufficient to reflect range of participant & sites that make up the population. Use maximal variation : use data that are able to represent the population.
causal explanation.
2. saturation: interviewer begins to hear same info reported; no longer learning anything new.
3. logistics n resources consideration
4. always start with bigger number.
-Interviewing is an art and can be taught. Researches can learn techniques n skills of interviewing.
-Use semi structured interview is recommended.
- You must have pilot interviews and tape it to tryout your questions and ensure that people understand your questions and to get some practice in interviewing.
- Listen more n talk less (active listening)
- tolerate silence
- follow up n don't interrupt
- follow your hunches
- explore n probe
- listen to the substance
- listen to the inner voice (reflect awareness of audience)
- be conscious with body language n b sensitive to participant's energy level
Validity & reliability of the research instrument
Date: 20 June 2009
Warwick and Linninger (1975) '2 basic goals in questionnaire design
- to obtain info relevant to the purposes of the survey.
- to collect this info with maximal reliability and validity.
- send to expert for approval (at least 5) and need to carry pilot study to test the reliability of the instrument.
3 basic approaches (Mason & Bramble, 1989)
- content validity
- construct validity
- criterion-related validity
Workshop Dr Aini - 19th June 2009
Literature review must be mentioned in 3 places of your thesis. Chapter 1, 2, 4.
Chapter 1 - introduction -frame the problem
Chapter 2 - separate section - typical model of quantitative research.
Chapter 4 - At the end - compare n contrast findings.
Can you comment what you read?
Yes, you must be critical but with substance.
Can we cite newspaper article or report?
Yes but in the chapter 1 in your introduction to write about the background of your study. When you cite it make sure you do not cite the author and treat it as if the author is an academic writer.
According to Creswell, the most reliable source is Handbook, Try to find the handbook of your area.
Examples of examiners' comments
- was limited
- emphasizing the work of X when his work has been largely discredited
- emphasis upon behavior is also been eclipsed in North American scholarship by a focus upon.. ( you should make comments of awareness of the change of theories or study done)
- did not place the research in the historical context of the field
- too broad & no focus
- too narrow & not comprehensive enough (coverage)
- not up to date
- no synthesis n no new perspective
- not critical (own voice missing) - when you read and cite -look at the findings n methodology
i. theoretical / conceptual literature
ii. research literature (including methodology)
where to find? journals, handbook,thesis, proquest, eric etc.
* try to read literature reviews done by others - look at the writing style of writing - emulate the style if it is beautiful.
Boote & Biele's 5 standard & criteria of a lit review.
- coverage -justify why you need to include or exclude something - make sure you cover the ground (use lit. map).
- synthesis - summarize, analyze & synthesize selected lit; distinguish what has been done from what needs to be done; place topic in broader context of the field; place research in historical context of field; acquire n enhance vocab; articulate important variables n phenomena relevant to topic; synthesize n gain a new perspective on lit. (point out if you found similarities or differences in ideas or highlight new ideas - use the write word such as contrary, refined, etc)
- methodology - identify main methodologies & research techniques used in the field & analyse advantage n disadvantages; relate ideas & theories; justify methodological choices- suggest/ justify new methods. (link it to chapter 4)
- relevance/significance - how important is the research you are referred to? - link it to your gap n problem statement
- rhetoric - language -use literature map. Articulate clear claims based on what you have discussed in your writing.
- Introduction - use meta paragraphing
- eg. In this section....
- divide the discussion into a number of big sections (parallel to lit map)
- structure the discussion according to chronology( by publication or by trend), thematic, methodological.
Guidelines for writing
- Use evidence (use integral citation if you are quoting the same person(s) a few times in the same paragraph)
- be selective
- use quotes sparingly
- summarize and synthesize
- keep your own voice
- use caution when paraphrasing
- revise, revise, revise
Friday, June 12, 2009
Salmon's 5-stage moderation model
SECI Model in tables
Socialization | Sharing, absorbing, negotiating tacit knowledge through shared experience. E.g. discuss issues or causes to instigate diverse responses. |
Externalization | Try to make sense of articulate experiment with your developing knowledge or concept which embeds the combined tacit knowledge. E.g. relate theory to practice and vice versa in varying contexts. |
Combination | Synthesize, improve, organize and disseminate new / explicit knowledge. E.g. write, present, and develop hypothesis or prototype. |
Internalization | Embody knowledge through reflection and action. The explicit knowledge becomes part of the individual’s knowledge base and becomes assets to an organization. E.g. make use of your knowledge and reflection. |
Layer 2
Originating Ba | Feelings, emotions, experiences and mental models are shared |
Dialoguing Ba | Common terms of language, concepts and meanings are negotiated. |
Systemizing Ba | Knowledge is organized and shared. |
Exercising Ba | Action and reflection take place. |
Table 1: 5-phase Analytical Interaction Model – Gunawardena, Lowe & Anderson (1997)
Phase | Description |
1 – Sharing and comparing information | In this phase, verbal transactions take the form of statements and observation |
2 – Discovery and exploration | During this phase participants become aware of differences in views and interpretations. Typical utterances at this stage would be questions, clarifications and elaboration concepts. |
3 – Negotiation of meaning and construction of knowledge | In this phase there is evidence of negotiation of outcomes and areas of agreement and disagreement, with proposals of mutual understanding. |
4 – Testing and revision of ideas | Interactions would include statements of evidence against criteria, use of examples and investigation of alternative viewpoints. |
5 – Awareness of newly constructed knowledge | The phase would entail Metacognitive statements demonstrating new knowledge construction and reflection on areas of agreement or disagreement |
Thursday, June 11, 2009
2nd training - 11th June 2009

The second training was held at the same place. It started at 10am. Hafizah Saman turned up first followed by Haniza Rais and Siti Rauzani Mohd Hafizuddin.
Although there were only 3 participants, I was really grateful since this time around they are able to participate in the online forum. I forgot one thing though, to give them the printed user guide.
Training - 29th May 2009

The training was supposed to start at 3.00pm. Syed was punctual, he came at 2.50pm. Then followed by Suhaila, Zulmazlina, Sara, Khaireen, Datin Noorul Huda and Fatinah.
The objectives of the training were for the participants to create account to my website, update their profile, upload their picture, participate in online forum, write reflection in blogs available in moodle and chat online. I wish they could participate in at least one forum, but there wasn't enough time. I was only able to train them on how to start a discussion and reply to a discussion thread. No time to write reflection in blogs either.
Nevertheless, I was really grateful that 7 teachers turned up. Alhamdulillah.