Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Area of research for PhD????? To soon??

I went to see Prof RM on Monday 28/12/2009.. needed to have her signature for my annual performance report. I voiced out my intention to pursue PhD under her supervision... "Well, depends" she said smilingly. Then she asked me what I taught for KDC. I mentioned I taught ICT in BM focusing on PBL. Prof said PBL could be my angle of research for my further study.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Prof 's comment for chapter 5

Dear Hana,

I have looked at chpt 5, just wondering if you feel that
you have answered the "So what?" question.
Were you able to bring the literature and the theory
to support your discussion and conclusion.

all the best.

What is the implication of this research. Refer back to your significance of study.

How is this finding going to be useful to anybody who would like to set up a CoP

for teachers or students. What are the things that you can recommend to them

based on your experience and research findings.

You may want to add more to the conclusion. What lesson did you learn,

how is this going to be of use to anyone. Please elaborate on the

statements that you made.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Prof's comment - received on 16/10/09

Dear Hana,
Please look at the tracking in the documents to see my comments and if there is any suggestions for improvement on specific table, or figure or section, please do it for all . Your report can be improved by:
1. Using an appropriate APA style and be consisten.
2. The language structure and style of writing to be consistent.
3. The belending of data to support each other, instead of reporting interview and content analysis separately.
4. Interpretation and implication of each stage of the report
5. Summarize each stage of data reporting.
6. Recommendations and conclusions need to be beefed up.
7. Chapter 5, think about the "so what question" that your readers may ask after reading your report. Is it useful? how does it contribute to the field, to the practitioners, to other people who woul dlike to carry out similar exercise.

Literature review

Carboni (1999)
investigated the use of an online discussion forum to support practicing elementary
school teachers' professional development in mathematics. The forum was structured
around teachers' sharing, discussing, and reflecting on elementary mathematics
teaching. The forums helped the teachers make sense of teaching mathematics, helped
them support and share with each other as a learning community.

Carboni, L. W. (1999). How might an online discussion forum support teachers'
professional development in mathematics? ERIC Document Reproduction
Service No. ED444853.

In another study, the pilot Teacher Dialogue Forums provided Georgia teachers
with an opportunity to learn about current research on teaching and the teaching
profession, share views and learn from colleagues, and let their voices be heard and
used to shape practice and policy in teaching. The teachers appreciated the Forums and
the opportunity to discuss teaching in the light of current research (Fletcher, 1999).

Fletcher, G. (1999). Teacher dialogue forums. ERIC Document Reproduction Service
No. ED446062

In a third study, the professional development experiences of 28 practicing
teachers in ten Chicago suburban schools involved in a two-year technology-supported
Problem-Based Learning curriculum development effort were explored by Hawkes &
Romiszowski (2001). Asynchronous computer-mediated communications (CMC) were
featured as teacher communication tools of the project. It was concluded that the value
of CMC lies in its ability to facilitate professional collaboration between teachers and
encourage critical reflection on educational policy and practice.

Hawkes, M. & Romiszowski, A. (2001). Examining the reflective outcomes of
asynchronous computer-mediated communication on inservice teacher
development. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 9, 2, 285-308.

McAteer & Harris (2003) indicated that success is influenced by purpose, i.e., the
reasons for introducing CMC, the content, tasks, intended outcomes, group profile and
support systems available.

McAteer, E. & Harris, R. (2003). Computer-mediated conferencing, In LTSN starter
guide. http://www.swap.ac.uk/elearning/using6.asp

Hough & Evertson (2004) added that clearly articulating
purposes for discussions, framing the kind of participation expected, including both
experienced and beginning teachers, and establishing trust among participants shape the
kinds of issues and depth of thinking revealed.

Hough, B. W., Smithey, M. W. & Evertson, C. M. (2004). Using computer-mediated
communication to create virtual communities of practice for intern teachers.
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 12, 3, 361-386.

Gunawardena, C. N., Lowe, C. A. & Anderson, T. (1997). Analysis of a global

online debate and the development of an interaction analysis model for

examining social construction of knowledge in computer conferencing.

Journal of Educational Computing Research 17(4), 397-431.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Online interview

Dear friends,

I would appreciate it so much if you could answer the questions below to help me to get further insights of my data analysis. Thanks a million.

For number 1, you may choose as many answers as you like but please rank them from no 1 to 5 (no 1=most true)

1. What driven you to participate in the online forum?
A. ____ your rapport with the moderator
B. ____you believe in life long learning and want to improve yourself
C. ____the reward offered ( Noritake tea set)
D. ____the persistent emails you received from the moderator
E. ____other reasons (please state) ___________________

For questions number 2 onwards, you may want to refer to the website @
http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/view.php?id=104 to answer the questions.

2. Which topic appeal to you most and why?

3. Which topic does not appeal to you most and why?

4. What stop you from responding to a topic after viewing it?

5. Do you consider reflecting on your own thinking a difficult task? why?

6. Does by participating in the forum help to enhance your personal and professional development? How?

7. Should online forum be proposed to replace LADAP? why or why not?

Thank you for your time and effort.

Nurulhana bt Hussain
MIT Student
University Malaya Kuala Lumpur

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Diffusion Theory

Taken from http://www2.gsu.edu/~wwwitr/docs/diffusion/index.html

Surry, D. W. (1997). Diffusion Theory and Instructional Technology. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT). from http://www2.gsu.edu/~wwwitr/docs/diffusion/index.html

Diffusion is defined as the process by which an innovation is adopted and gains acceptance by members of a certain community. A number of factors interact to influence the diffusion of an innovation. The four major factors that influence the diffusion process are
  • the innovation itself,
  • how information about the innovation is communicated,
  • time, and
  • the nature of the social system into which the innovation is being introduced (Rogers, 1995).
The Innovation Decision Process theory (Rogers, 1995) states that diffusion is a process that occurs over time and can be seen as having five distinct stages. The stages in the process are
  • Knowledge,
  • Persuasion,
  • Decision,
  • Implementation, and
  • Confirmation.
According to this theory, potential adopters of an innovation must learn about the innovation, be persuaded as to the merits of the innovation, decide to adopt, implement the innovation, and confirm (reaffirm or reject) the decision to adopt the innovaàion.

Applications of diffusion theory to instructional technology can be grouped into two major, categories with distinctly separate goals.
  1. The first major category focuses on the reform and restructuring of educational institutions. The goal of this category of IT diffusion research is to develop theories of organizational change, most commonly school change, in which technology plays a major role
  2. The second major category of IT diffusion research focuses on increasing the adoption and utilization of specific instructional products. The goal of this category of research is to develop theories of technology adoption that will lead to a more widespread use of instructional innovations.

Adopter Based (Instrumentalist) Theory

Adopter based theories focus on the human and interpersonal aspects of innovation diffusion. Adopter based theories are inherently instrumental in philosophy because they view the end user -- the individual who will ultimately implement the innovation in a practical setting, as the primary force for change. These theories reject the assumption that superior products and practices will automatically be attractive to potential adopters.

    Burkman's User Oriented Instructional Development process consists of 5 steps:
  1. Identify the potential adopter
  2. Measure relevant potential adopter perceptions
  3. Design and develop a user-friendly product
  4. Inform the potential adopter (of the product's user-friendliness)
  5. Provide Post Adoption Support

Developer Based (Determinist) Theory

The goal of developer based theory is to increase diffusion by maximizing the efficiency, effectiveness and elegance of an innovation. The developer, or architect, of superior technology is seen as the primary force for change. The underlying assumption of developer based theories is deterministic in its belief that superior technological products and systems will, by virtue of their superiority alone, replace inferior products and systems. Developer based theories of diffusion see change as following dàirectly from a technological revolution.

In order to maximize the potential benefit of diffusion theory, instructional technologists should adopt a more instrumentalist philosophy of technology. No reasonable diffusion theorist would suggest that technological superiority is the only necessary condition for diffusion. Instructional technologists have been seduced by the simplicity and basic logic of technological determinism.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

My field notes

Salmon 5-stage moderation model --- I spent the most time in stage 1 of the 5-stage moderation model. The 1st stage involves access and motivation. (offer assurance, welcome and motivation to stay and participate in the course. This stage ends when participants post their first messages)

How do I make teachers sign up to the website?
  • set up the platform for teachers to interact in the online forum
  • provide trainings
  • make personal approaches (f2f and telephone)
  • send personal emails (welcome them and provide links)
  • send sms
  • post invitation through facebook
  • conduct promotion during SELEC 2009
  • provide lucrative reward

Stage 2: online socialization - familiarising and providing bridges between cultural, social and learning environments - (encourage group discussion and make room for purely social interaction among participants & maintain good atmosphere for discussion)
  • post topics for discussion
  • respond positively to the responses post by the participants
  • let participants introduce themselves through the forum.

Stage 3: Information Exchange - facilitating tasks and supporting use of learning materials (participants actively exchange information based on the course content / information/issues presented by the moderator; provide stimulation and guidance in constructive use of learning materials and effective information sharing)
  • upgrade website to make it resourceful.
  • announce website updates and provide website links through facebook
  • post announcement and provide links through personal emails
Stage 4: Knowledge construction - Facilitating process - (participants share personal knowledge and opinions. Moderator facilitate, stimulate, summarize and weave together course discussions.
  • respond to forum by asking questions for further discussions
  • summarize responses
Stage 5: Development - supporting and responding. (participants use personal experience to drive their own exploration of the topic area being studied & reflect on their own learning process. Moderator support and respond to participants as they define and lead their own discussions.
  • support participants' ideas

Recommendations for further research

1. measuring the success of online forum
2. analysis of key factors for the success of online forum
3. study the use of online forum among resource / master teachers
4. study the effective moderation of online forum

Surat pekeliling LADAP

surat pekeliling ladap....

Standard Guru Malaysia

Standard Guru Malaysia

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Consent feedback from Rajess

"I have read and understood the ...‏
From: rajess rengasamy (rajess.rengasamy@gmail.com)
Sent: Saturday, 5 Sep, 2009 8: 38 AM
To: nurulhana2000@hotmail.com

"I have read and understood the information above and I am giving you my consent to become the participant of the research mentioned above.'

This email is a copy of a message sent to you at "CoP"

Friday, September 4, 2009

Foo's outline of chapter 4 and 5

Chapter 4- Data presentation and discussion
4.1 methodology summary
4.2 Results from data analysis
4.2.1 RQ1

4.2.2 RQ2 Levels of reflection in the weblogs Factors that influence the levels of reflection in the weblogs
perception of reflection
attitude to weblogging
peer support
instruction and instructor role

Chapter 5 - Discussion, Implications and recommendations
5.1 Summary and discussion of results
5.1.1 RQ1
5.1.2 RQ2

5.2 Implications
5.2.1 Theoretical implications
5.2.2 Practical implications

5.3 Recommendations for further research
5.4 Concluding remarks



Foo's appendix

a. letter of approval for research topic
b. interview protocol
c. transcript of audio tape interview
d. examples of participants' weblogs
e. example of weblogs content analysis
f. participant consent form
g. instructional design model -ADDIE
h. matching familiar figures test

Interview protocol


1. What driven you to participate in the online forum?
A. your rapport with the moderator
B. you believe in life long learning and want to improve yourself
C. the reward offered ( Noritake tea set)
D. the persistent emails you received from the moderator
E. other reasons

2. Which topic appeal to you most and why?
3. Which topic does not appeal to you most and why?
4. What stop you from responding to a topic after viewing it?
5. Do you consider reflecting on your own thinking a difficult task? why?
6. Does by participating in the forum help to enhance your personal and professional development?
7. Should online forum be proposed to replace LADAP? why or why not?


1. establish rapport
2. explain format of interview. Accept divergent views
3 Prompt for more unanticipated answers using open-ended questions
4. Issues / constructs outlined to be addressed flexibly - guided by participants' conversation

Strategy to boost motivation - email 20

Dear all,

A new topic for discussion has been posted. Feel free to respond to the topic at http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=38

Engaging ourselves in an intellectual discourse will help us to enhance our personal and professional development.

See you there!

Consent form

Dearest friends,

Thank you for your willingness to be the participants of my research "The use of online forum for personal development by English language teachers".

I would appreciate it so much if you could verify your consent to be my research participant by going to the link and reply to the forum post http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=16#p31

Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Sincerely from

Strategy to boost motivation - email 19

Dear all,

Since I need to collect more data for my research I have posted another topic for us to discuss. Please use this link
http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=37 to respond to the topic.

In case you have not noticed, I have posted an earlier topic at this link http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=36 for us to share our opinion. You could also ask questions if you need some clarification on the topics being discussed. I hope we could learn from each other by interacting asynchronously through the forum.

Hope to see you online soon. Thank you for your participation.

Regards from,

Announcing the most active participant

Dear all,
As promised, the Noritake tea set has a new owner now and ready to be claimed. Up to 31 August 2009, Sara has posted 10 responses to the online forum and has initiated 2 topics for discussion. Hence making her the most active online forum participant. Congratulations Sara!

I sincerely hope every one will continue to interact and share thoughts and ideas in teaching and learning through the online forum. Click http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/view.php?id=104 to view the topics for discussion and click on the title to view the discussion thread and reply to the forum. So far, nobody had responded to the topic on project-based learning http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=36. I wonder whether any one of you have tried implementing project-based learning in class or probably it is your first time being introduced to it.

Thank you for the support I get from every body.

Sincerely yours,

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Strategy to boost motivation - email 18

Dear friends,

Happy Merdeka Day to all! Tomorrow - 31st of August will be the last day for me to determine who has participated the most in the online forum to receive the Noritake tea set . Nevertheless, you are welcomed to continue using all the resources parked on the website http://www.nurulhana.com/course/view.php?id=2 to help you in your teaching and learning.

Besides, I will be very glad if you could continue participating in the online forum as a platform to enhance your personal and professional development especially in keeping up with best practices and latest approach in teaching English language. I will continue posting topics for discussion and will keep you informed through emails.

To go directly to the forum topics please use this link http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/view.php?id=104.
In case you haven't noticed of the latest topic on 'project-based learning', use this link to respond

Feel free to initiate any new topics for discussion for others to respond.
Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Sincerely from,

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Strategy to boost motivation - email 17

26 August 2009

Dear friends,

I have just posted a new topic for us to discuss. Please check it out http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=36#p113

You are free to respond to other topics as well at http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/view.php?id=104

I appreciate your time and participation highly. Thank you.

Nurulhana bt Hussain
MIT Student
University Malaya Kuala Lumpur

Strategy to boost motivation - email 16

22 August 2009

Dear friends,

I am very delighted to inform you that Zaihasriza has posted quite a number of resources useful for teaching and learning. Please check them out at this link http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=35#p109

As you have been informed in the previous email, I have posted another forum topic which is interesting for us to discuss and share thoughts. Since nobody has responded to the topic, you may want to be the first to respond. Use this link to go to the forum http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=32

If you still have not signed up to the website, you may go directly to http://www.nurulhana.com to create a new account.

Thank you for your time and participation.

Nurulhana bt Hussain
MIT Student
University Malaya Kuala Lumpur

Strategy to boost motivation - email 15

18 August 2009

Dear friends,

I would like to extend my utmost appreciation for your continuous support in participating in the online forum.
By the way, there is a new topic for discussion. Please use this link to go directly to the website http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=32#p104.

I hope this experience (communicating and discussion online) has been a win win situation for us all i.e. I am able to use the data for my research and you are able to work on your personal and professional development.

Cheers from Hana

Strategy to boost motivation - email 14

16 August 2009

Dear friends,

Sara had posted a new topic for discussion. Please check it out at http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=31

I would really appreciate it if you could share some of your thoughts with the whole community.

If you have not been responding to any of the topics, feel free to do so at http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/view.php?id=104 You will find that responding to the forum will help you to reflect on and understand your thinking.

To sign up to the website and become a member of our community, use this link http://www.nurulhana.com. You will find
a lot of resources to be used for English language classrooms parked in the website.

Thank you for your continuous support.

Nurulhana bt Hussain
MIT Student
University Malaya Kuala Lumpur

Strategy to boost motivation - email 13

14 August 2009

Dear friends,
Thank you for your kind and continuous support in participating in the online forum. Nevertheless, I am still hoping that you could allocate some time to engage yourself in the discussion more actively. The latest topic I posted had received only two responses. Here is the link if you would like to go directly to the forum: http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=30.

The Noritake set is still available until the end of August for the most active forum participant to grab . So, activate yourself and hope to see you online.

Thank you again for your time and cooperation.

Nurulhana bt Hussain
MIT Student
University Malaya Kuala Lumpur

Strategy to boost motivation - email 12

10 August 2009

Dear friends,
I have posted a new forum topic for discussion . Let us engage ourselves in an intellectual discourse and share our best practices to enhance our personal and professional development. To respond to the discussion, use this link http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=30#p89

Feel free to use all the resources parked in the website for your teaching and learning.

I you still have not signed up, use this link http://www.nurulhana.com and create a new account. You may find the instructions to create a new account if you scroll down the page of the website.

Nurulhana bt Hussain
MIT Student
University Malaya Kuala Lumpur

Standard Guru Malaysia

Standard Guru Malaysia

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Strategy to boost motivation - email 11

6 August 2009

Dear friends,
Thank you for the support I have been receiving from you. Please continue your participation in the online forum and reflect on your thoughts. It will definitely hel to exercise your higher order thinking skills.

By the way, I have put up a new poll with regard to your opinion on the online forum. Please use this link to go to the website:
You will find the poll block on the left bar of the website page.

If you have not shared your expertise in teaching grammar, please go to this link http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=25

You could also check out other topics or post your own topics to be discussed in the forum.

Let us make this community of practice (CoP) as a platform for us to share our best practices.

Hope to see you online soon.

Best regards,

Monday, August 10, 2009

Strategy to boost motivation - email 10

Dear friends,
I have posted a new forum topic for discussion . Let us engage ourselves in an intellectual discourse and share our best practices to enhance our personal and professional development. To respond to the discussion, use this link http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=30#p89

Feel free to use all the resources parked in the website for your teaching and learning.

I you still have not signed up, use this link http://www.nurulhana.com and create a new account. You may find the instructions to create a new account if you scroll down the page of the website.

Nurulhana bt Hussain
MIT Student
University Malaya Kuala Lumpur

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Strategy to boost motivation - email 9

Dear friends,
Thank you for the support I have been receiving from you. Please continue your participation in the online forum and reflect on your thoughts. It will definitely hel to exercise your higher order thinking skills.

By the way, I have put up a new poll with regard to your opinion on the online forum. Please use this link to go to the website:
You will find the poll block on the left bar of the website page.

If you have not shared your expertise in teaching grammar, please go to this link http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=25

You could also check out other topics or post your own topics to be discussed in the forum.

Let us make this community of practice (CoP) as a platform for us to share our best practices.

Hope to see you online soon.

Best regards,

Friday, July 31, 2009

Change Management 2

Taken from http://home.att.net/~nickols/change.htm
Fred Nicols, 2008

Four Basic Definitions

In thinking about what is meant by “change management,” at least four basic definitions come to mind:

1. The task of managing change.

2. An area of professional practice.

3. A body of knowledge.

4. A control mechanism.

he Task of Managing Change

The first and most obvious definition of “change management” is that the term refers to the task of managing change. The obvious is not necessarily unambiguous. Managing change is itself a term that has at least two meanings.

One meaning of “managing change” refers to the making of changes in a planned and managed or systematic fashion. The aim is to more effectively implement new methods and systems in an ongoing organization. The changes to be managed lie within and are controlled by the organization. (Perhaps the most familiar instance of this kind of change is the “change control” aspect of information systems development projects.). However, these internal changes might have been triggered by events originating outside the organization, in what is usually termed “the environment.” Hence, the second meaning of managing change, namely, the response to changes over which the organization exercises little or no control (e.g., legislation, social and political upheaval, the actions of competitors, shifting economic tides and currents, and so on). Researchers and practitioners alike typically distinguish between a knee-jerk or reactive response and an anticipative or proactive response.

To recapitulate, there are at least four basic definitions of change management:

1. The task of managing change (from a reactive or a proactive posture)

2. An area of professional practice (with considerable variation in competency and skill levels among practitioners)

3. A body of knowledge (consisting of models, methods, techniques, and other tools)

4. A control mechanism (consisting of requirements, standards, processes and procedures).

Change management

When I went to see Prof RM on the 6th of July, she mentioned about change management. Since I do not have enough data so far, she asked me to shift the angle of my study. Since I focused so much on implementing my strategies in motivating teachers to participate in the online forum, she said I should look into change management. I was unsure what she meant but I did not want to look or sound stupid so I told her I would look into that matter and review my literature review. Two things that she asked me to change. First, my problem statement and second my research questions.

Now, let me focus on change management first. What it really meant.

According to wikipedia, Change management is a structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state. The current definition of Change Management includes both organizational change management processes and individual change management models, which together are used to manage the people side of change.

PCI (People Centered Implementation)

PCI is a change management methodology developed by Changefirst, which has been continuously improved since the 1990s. It has been applied in the field of people change management by organizations and their change agents in over 35 countries around the world.

PCI describes the six critical success factors that must be managed to build commitment to change initiatives and create behavior change.

  1. Shared Change Purpose - create and share a powerful case for change in the organization
  2. Effective Change Leadership - develop strong change leadership for the initiative
  3. Powerful Engagement Processes - build and deliver plans to engage people in the change
  4. Committed Local Sponsors - build understanding and commitment of middle and front-line managers
  5. Strong Personal Connection - create commitment and behaviour changing actions for front-line people
  6. Sustained Personal Performance - support people as they learn to adapt, managing their resistance sensitively and empathetically.

[edit] ADKAR

The ADKAR model for individual and organizational change management was developed by Prosci with input from more than 1000 organizations from 59 countries. This model describes five required building blocks for change to be realized successfully on an individual level. The building blocks of the ADKAR Model include:

  1. Awareness – of why the change is needed
  2. Desire – to support and participate in the change
  3. Knowledge – of how to change
  4. Ability – to implement new skills and behaviors
  5. Reinforcement – to sustain the change

The role of the management

Management's responsibility (and that of administration in case of political changes) is to detect trends in the macro environment as well as in the micro environment so as to be able to identify changes and initiate programs. It is also important to estimate what impact a change will likely have on employee behavior patterns, work processes, technological requirements, and motivation. Management must assess what employee reactions will be and craft a change program that will provide support as workers go through the process of accepting change. The program must then be implemented, disseminated throughout the organization, monitored for effectiveness, and adjusted where necessary. Organizations exist within a dynamic environment that is subject to change due to the impact of various change "triggers", such as evolving technologies. To continue to operate effectively within this environmental turbulence, organizations must be able to change themselves in response to internally and externally initiated change. However, change will also impact upon the individuals within the organization. Effective change management requires an understanding of the possible effects of change upon people, and how to manage potential sources of resistance to that change. Change can be said to occur where there is an imbalance between the current state and the environment.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Review of Foo's paper

Title: Facilitating reflective learning among pre-service teachers through weblogging

Research problem:
ICT have not been effectively integrated in teacher training programmes. Integrating learning with technology helps to reduce digital divide among teachers. There are insufficient well trained instructors who have knowledge in both technology n instructional design.

1. What is the focus of reflection in the weblog?
2. What influences the level of reflection in the weblog?

Literature review:
Foo touched on
1. New theories of learning
  • deep learning & constructivism
  • reflective learning & professional practitioners
2. The design of weblogging
  • Dev't of weblogging
  • Instructional functions of weblogs
3. Theoretical framework based on related studies
  • journaling and reflective learning
  • electronic journaling
  • weblogging
Her Sampling: Purposive sampling: to investigate into the issue of facilitating reflective learning through weblogging. 6 pre-service teachers- handpicked - to provide significant weblog content (updated regularly, promptly and of acceptable quantity & quality- to ensure meaningful n truthful data which r sufficient to answer the RQ.

Miles and Huberman (1994) argue that sampling strategies for qualitative research should be driven by conceptual question, not by concern for 'representativeness'.

Miles, M. and Huberman, M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis. California: Sage

Other useful references :

  • Bransford, J.D., Brown, A. L., and Cocking, R. R. (1999) How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and School. Washington: National Academy Press.
  • Chi, M. T. H (1997). Quantifying qualitative analyses of verbal data: a practical guide. The journal of the Learning Sciences. 6(3), 271-315
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., and Morrison, K. (2000) Research Methods in Education. London: RoutledgeFalmer
  • Frankael, J. R., & Wallen, N. E. (1999). How to design and evaluate research in education. New York: Mc Graw Hill
  • Jonassen, D. (1995). Supporting communities of learners with technology: A vision for integrating technology with learning in schools. Educational Technology. 35(4): 60-63
  • Moon, J. A. (1999) Learning Journals: A Handbook for Academics, Students and Professional Development. London: Kogan Page, 1999
  • Wilson, E.K. and March, G. E. (1995). Social studies and the internet revolution. Social Education 59(4):198-202
Foo's interview protocol- based on RQ 1 and RQ2
eg: prepare 3-4 Qs for each RQ
  1. Protocol- establish rapport. Set the group at ease.
  2. explain format of interview, open interaction, accept divergent views
  3. prompt for more unanticipated answers using open-ended questions
  4. issues/constructs outlined to be addressed flexibly - guided by participants' conversation.

For content analysis, Foo uses 2 instruments:
For RQ1, she uses coding categories based on the emerging data she collected- (aggregation of data)
For RQ2, she uses 'the reflective learning coding categories (Kember et al., 1999) - (interpretation of data)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Strategy to boost motivation - email 8

26 July 2008

Dear friends,

I would like to extend my gratitude to those of you who have participated and will participate in the online forum and I hope you will continue to respond to the forums from time to time. You may also add a new discussion topic for others to respond. The Noritake set is still available until the end of August to be rewarded to the most active forum participant.

There is a new topic posted for discussion. Please check it out at http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=29
For those of you who did not have the time to respond to a discussion topic posted by Sara, you may go to http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=27.

If you have not taken the poll or answer the questionnaire, please log on to the website http://www.nurulhana.com and click at the respective links.

If you still have not joined the website, you can still create a new account by clicking on the links above.

Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Strategy to boost motivation - email 7

Posted on 20th July 2009

Dear friends,

I have changed the color of the website. Check it out! Just click http://www.nurulhana.com/course/view.php?id=2
to view the website. You can give your view on the new layout by clicking at 'Our Space to Interact' and add a new topic.

If you could spare some time to participate in the discussion forum, I would appreciate it a lot. Click here if you wish to go straight to the discussion page http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/view.php?id=104

For your information, Sara has initiated a new topic to discuss. Let's pour some ideas and put our thinking cap on. Click here if you would like to respond to Sara's topic. http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=27

By the way, if you still have not signed up to the website, please create a new account by clicking at 'create new account' link. Fill in your username, password and your email address. You will need to verify your email address by clicking on the link given in your mail. Thank you for your time and participation.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Workshop on 'Qualitative Data Analysis in Research'

Date: 25 July 2009
Venue: Auditorium Faculty of Education, UM
Presenter: Dr Samuel Moses

Denzin identified 4 basic types of triangulation:
  1. Data - time, space n persons
  2. investigator - multiple researchers in an investigation
  3. theory - using more than one theoretical scheme in the interpretation of the phenomenon
  4. methodological - involves using more than one method to gather data.

* In qualitative research - the researcher is the instrument of the research.

Do we need triangulation of data all the times?
Traditionally we need 3 sources of data, but in qualitative research triangulation just means the other ways we take to confirm the validity of the data. Not necessarily 3, 2 would be ok as well.

There is no question of balancing the two types of data: qualitative and quantitative. It depends on the purpose of your research. Sometimes, we need to clarify the reasons 'why' to explain the findings, so we need some amount of qualitative data to help.

When analysing your data, you need to be explicit/transparent in explaining your assumptions, research and findings. You need to be explicit why you are doing what you are doing in determining validity of your research.

The value of triangulation lies in providing evidence - wheteher convergent, inconsistent or contradictory - such that the researcher can construct good explanations of the social phenomena from which they arise. (p. 15 of handout).

'good explanation' will depend on the data that we collect.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Strategy to boost motivation - email 6

16 July 2009

Dear friends,

Thank you for responding to the online forum . Hopefully the discussions have helped you in fostering a higher order thinking skills. You will be surprised at your own ability to voice out your opinion and see issues from different angles when you are engaged in discussions like this.

For those of you who still struggling to find time to participate in the discussion, you may still be able to do that by using this link http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/view.php?id=104

By the way, I have posted a questionnaire for you to answer. The information will help me to collect necessary background information to be used for my research. Here is the link : http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/questionnaire/index.php?id=2

If you have not signed up to the website, please use this link http://www.nurulhana.com to create new account and join the 'Community of Practice' to enhance our professional and personal development as educators. Once you have signed up, you need to confirm your email address by clicking at the link given in your mail. You could always email me if you need extra help.

Thank you for participating. Have a nice day!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Strategy to boost motivation - email 5

13 July 2009

Dearest friends,

I have posted another issue for us to discuss . Check it out at

If you still have not signed up to the website, click http://www.nurulhana.com to create a new account.

By participating in the online forum, it is hoped your participation will be able to enhance our personal development as English language teachers as the discussion would help us to reflect on and share our experiences. Your time and effort spent in joining the forum is highly appreciated.

Progress report to Prof

13 July 2009

Dear Prof RM,
  1. Congratulations upon the arrival of your grandchild. I am sure the baby brings joy to the whole family.
  2. My progress report: The progress of my data collection has been very slow. There are a few strategies that I have planned and am using now. First, I am now helping the Petaling Perdana education district office in preparing the materials to be displayed and taught for 'Selangor language exploraction carnival' (SELEC) which will be held on August 8th at the Selangor Education Dept Shah Alam. As Petaling Perdana is incharged of 'ICT in education' booth, I am helping them to set up a platform to park all the materials using Moodle. The teachers will use the online forum to discuss and upload their materials. Second, (as suggested by Zaidi) I update my website everyday and send personal emails with links to the forum every day or every other day. Third, I offer incentive in terms of rewards (to the most active participant) to encourage them to contribute to the discussion (I am not sure if you would agree with my third strategy).
  3. Zaidi and I would like to request an appointment date which is convenient to you (but not tomorrow 14th July since I am meeting the teachers for the language carnival). We are hoping to get some feedback on our final assignment in RIT class so that we could work on improving the content of chapters 1-3.

We hope to receive a favourable reply from you. Thank you for your time and cooperation Prof.

Strategy to boost motivation - email 4

13 July 2009

Hi friends ,

I sincerely hope this mail will reach you in a happy mood today. I have posted a poll on my website at http://www.nurulhana.com/course/view.php?id=2 It is located at the left bar of the page. I would appreciate it if you could spare a few seconds to just click at your choice of answer. If you have extra time to spare, you could also participate in the online forum on 21st century teaching and learning by clicking http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=12

I really hope the discussion will make us become better educators for the sake of our learners.

p/s: If you are not a member of the website, you need to create an account first by clicking http://www.nurulhana.com/
Then, click at 'create new account' located at the left bar of the website. Fill in your username, password and valid email address. You will then need to verify your email address by going to your mail and click on the link given.

Cheers from Hana

Strategy to boost motivation - email 3

12 July 2009

Dear friends,

There are a few updates on the website http://www.nurulhana.com/course/view.php?id=2
  1. The resources parked on the website are undergoing some rerrangement to better improve the organisation of the contents.
  2. A token of appreciation will be given to the most active participant in the online forum. Check it out at http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=23

If you have not signed up to the website, please click at the link given and create a new account.

Strategy to boost motivation - email 2

9 July 2009

Dear friends,

I have posted a topic with regard to PPSMI for us to discuss online. If you are already a member to CoP for English language teachers website, please click on the link below to participate in the online forum.
http://www.nurulhana.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=19 (log in using your username and password)

If you have not created any account, please go to the link below to sign up to the website

Guide in creating a new account is posted on the front page of the website. Just scroll down the screen and you would be able to see it. Feel free to explore the resources parked in the website to help you in your teaching.

Thank you for your time and participation.

Strategy to boost motivation - email 1

7 Julyn2009

Dear friends,
Welcome to http://www.nurulhana.com A website created especially for teachers for their personal development.
If you have not signed up to the website, please click the link below to create new account.
Feel free to use all the materials and resources parked on the website for your teaching.

If you are already a participant, please take the survey using the link given below.

Thank you for your time and cooperation. Feel free to participate in the online forums.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

3rd training 26th June 2009

Three teachers turned up for the training this time. They are my TESL friends: Suzana Mohamed, Noor azlina Lajis and Hayati Idris.

Too bad the internet connection was pretty bad this time. Connection dropped every now and then making it difficult for us to carry on with the training smoothly. Suzana was not able to sign up at all. Somehow moodle refuse to accept her email address. Azlina was able to sign up while Yati has already signed up before.

I hope they are able to involve actively in the online forum.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Qualitative research interviewing

Dr Aini Hassan

20th June 2009
Why interview?
  • to understand the meaning people involved in education make of their experience
  • provides access to the context of people's behaviour - provides a way to understand the meaning of that behaviour.
  • basic assumption: the meaning people make of their experience affects the way they carry out that experience - causal explanation.
  • allow us to enter into other people's perspective since we cannot observe feelings, thoughts & intentions. Besides, we cannot observe behaviors that took place at some previous point in time.
How many participants do we need?
1. sufficiency - sufficient to reflect range of participant & sites that make up the population. Use maximal variation : use data that are able to represent the population.
causal explanation.
2. saturation: interviewer begins to hear same info reported; no longer learning anything new.
3. logistics n resources consideration
4. always start with bigger number.

-Interviewing is an art and can be taught. Researches can learn techniques n skills of interviewing.

-Use semi structured interview is recommended.

- You must have pilot interviews and tape it to tryout your questions and ensure that people understand your questions and to get some practice in interviewing.

  • Listen more n talk less (active listening)
  • tolerate silence
  • follow up n don't interrupt
  • follow your hunches
  • explore n probe
3 levels of listening
  • listen to the substance
  • listen to the inner voice (reflect awareness of audience)
  • be conscious with body language n b sensitive to participant's energy level

Validity & reliability of the research instrument

Speaker: Prof Dr Mohd Sahandri Gani Hamzah from UPM
Date: 20 June 2009

Warwick and Linninger (1975) '2 basic goals in questionnaire design
  1. to obtain info relevant to the purposes of the survey.
  2. to collect this info with maximal reliability and validity.
- Validity involves the accuracy of the instrument.
- send to expert for approval (at least 5) and need to carry pilot study to test the reliability of the instrument.

3 basic approaches (Mason & Bramble, 1989)
- content validity
- construct validity
- criterion-related validity

Workshop Dr Aini - 19th June 2009


Literature review must be mentioned in 3 places of your thesis. Chapter 1, 2, 4.
Chapter 1 - introduction -frame the problem
Chapter 2 - separate section - typical model of quantitative research.
Chapter 4 - At the end - compare n contrast findings.

Can you comment what you read?
Yes, you must be critical but with substance.

Can we cite newspaper article or report?
Yes but in the chapter 1 in your introduction to write about the background of your study. When you cite it make sure you do not cite the author and treat it as if the author is an academic writer.

According to Creswell, the most reliable source is Handbook, Try to find the handbook of your area.

Examples of examiners' comments

  • was limited
  • emphasizing the work of X when his work has been largely discredited
  • emphasis upon behavior is also been eclipsed in North American scholarship by a focus upon.. ( you should make comments of awareness of the change of theories or study done)
  • did not place the research in the historical context of the field
Issues in literature review
  • too broad & no focus
  • too narrow & not comprehensive enough (coverage)
  • not up to date
  • no synthesis n no new perspective
  • not critical (own voice missing) - when you read and cite -look at the findings n methodology
Literature review consists of 2 types of literature
i. theoretical / conceptual literature
ii. research literature (including methodology)
where to find? journals, handbook,thesis, proquest, eric etc.
* try to read literature reviews done by others - look at the writing style of writing - emulate the style if it is beautiful.

Boote & Biele's 5 standard & criteria of a lit review.
  1. coverage -justify why you need to include or exclude something - make sure you cover the ground (use lit. map).
  2. synthesis - summarize, analyze & synthesize selected lit; distinguish what has been done from what needs to be done; place topic in broader context of the field; place research in historical context of field; acquire n enhance vocab; articulate important variables n phenomena relevant to topic; synthesize n gain a new perspective on lit. (point out if you found similarities or differences in ideas or highlight new ideas - use the write word such as contrary, refined, etc)
  3. methodology - identify main methodologies & research techniques used in the field & analyse advantage n disadvantages; relate ideas & theories; justify methodological choices- suggest/ justify new methods. (link it to chapter 4)
  4. relevance/significance - how important is the research you are referred to? - link it to your gap n problem statement
  5. rhetoric - language -use literature map. Articulate clear claims based on what you have discussed in your writing.
Organisation of chapter

  1. Introduction - use meta paragraphing
  • eg. In this section....
2. Body
  • divide the discussion into a number of big sections (parallel to lit map)
  • structure the discussion according to chronology( by publication or by trend), thematic, methodological.
3. End with a summary

Guidelines for writing
  1. Use evidence (use integral citation if you are quoting the same person(s) a few times in the same paragraph)
  2. be selective
  3. use quotes sparingly
  4. summarize and synthesize
  5. keep your own voice
  6. use caution when paraphrasing
  7. revise, revise, revise

Friday, June 12, 2009

Salmon's 5-stage moderation model

The moderation model involves
  1. access and motivation,
  2. online socialization,
  3. information exchange,
  4. knowledge construction and
  5. development.

SECI Model in tables

Layer 1


Sharing, absorbing, negotiating tacit knowledge through shared experience. E.g. discuss issues or causes to instigate diverse responses.


Try to make sense of articulate experiment with your developing knowledge or concept which embeds the combined tacit knowledge. E.g. relate theory to practice and vice versa in varying contexts.


Synthesize, improve, organize and disseminate new / explicit knowledge. E.g. write, present, and develop hypothesis or prototype.


Embody knowledge through reflection and action. The explicit knowledge becomes part of the individual’s knowledge base and becomes assets to an organization. E.g. make use of your knowledge and reflection.

Layer 2

Originating Ba

Feelings, emotions, experiences and mental models are shared

Dialoguing Ba

Common terms of language, concepts and meanings are negotiated.

Systemizing Ba

Knowledge is organized and shared.

Exercising Ba

Action and reflection take place.