Monday, March 23, 2009

Organizing ideas for Literature Review

Right, let me unpack what I have in my head so that I won't forget.

In doing my literature review, I would first list down what are the items I want to include.

  1. Information about CoP - What is Cop. Why do we need Cop. How does it work/benefit teachers.
  2. Information on Professional development and personal development. Why it is important for teachers to keep on improving and acquiring knowledge.
  3. Information on common best practices in teaching and learning English language, thinking skills and literature component or in moving the students to a higher order thinking skills.
  4. Information on knowledge construction. How teachers are able to facilitate knowledge. Include SECI model by Nonaka Takeuchi on implicit and explicit knowledge.

In the problem statement, include:
  1. Theory of change / adoption - find out where are we now? Why most teachers in Malaysia are still at the entry level where technology is concerned.
  2. Why CoP is a need for teachers?
  3. Why teachers need to facilitate knowledge construction.
  4. Why teachers need to share their best practices.

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