Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Research Matrix

Research matrix – Nurulhana Hussain


Research objectives

Research questions

Methodology to use (How to collect data?)
Instruments for analysis
Expected outcome

1. To design BL approach in teaching ELP  to facilitate the development of TPACK

1.    To investigate pre service teachers’ entry level of TPACK.
2.    To investigate pre service teachers’ level of ELP.
3.    To identify the BL tools to be used to enhance ELP
4.    To review the features of BL in ELP course which help to facilitate TPACK

1.    What is the pre service teachers’ entry level of TPACK?

2.    What is the pre service teachers’ level of ELP?

3.    What are the BL tools to be used to enhance ELP?

4.    What are the features of BL used in the ELP course to facilitate TPACK?
1.Modified TPACK Survey

2. ELP Test / self-assessment check list.

3. Check list of the Use of online tools (Moodle, Voxopop, Voice Thread, Online forum).
4. Observation
3. Check list analysis

2. To identify if BL helps to facilitate the development of TPACK among pre service teachers
1.    To investigate how BL used in ELP course help to facilitate TPACK.
1. Does BL used in ELP course help to facilitate the development of TPACK among pre service teachers?      
If yes,
  • How does BL in ELP course help to facilitate TPACK?
  • Which feature of BL in ELP course help to facilitate TPACK?
  • How do you measure the development of TPACK?
      If no,
  • What makes it fail?
  • What are the constraints?

1. Transcript from online forum
2. Questionnaire
3. Interview
4. Observation

2. To identify if BL helps to enhance pre service teachers' achievement in ELP course

1. To investigate how the  BL tools used help pre service teachers’ achievement in ELP course  
2. Does BL help to enhance the achievement of the pre service teachers in ELP course?

 If yes,
  • What are the components of ELP taught and learned in the BL setting?
  • How does BL environment help to enhance the achievement of pre service teachers in ELP course?
  • What are the instruments used to measure students' achievement in Blended ELP course?
  • To what extend does students’ achievement measured in ELP course reflect on their real proficiency level?
If no,
·         What makes it fail?
·         What are the possible variables which interfere with the results?
·         What are the constraints?

Reflective report

ELP test
Course work


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